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Star Wars movie stormtrooper on smartphone’s music playlist all missing you song titles.
Seagull gamer in headphones plays beach french fries stealing Grand Theft Auto video game spoof.
Artistic smartphones with realistic Renaissance Sistine Chapel God hand, abstract geometric squares, split screen cubism & headphone wire wrapped classical & modern famous art styles.
Man with head stuck in sunglasses, PPE virus facemask straps & ear buds wires tells wife he took off in wrong order.
Man in hospital with flowers blooming in ears’ physician diagnoses blooming earbuds.
Different headphone, ear bud, Air Pods listening products compared with horrible earwig bugs crawling in ears.
Scary movie monsters listen to zombie slow jams, swamp creature, surf, mad scientist experimental and Friday the 13th Jason deep cuts musical styles.
Earbud in bar sees joined headphone couple and says couples stayed together longer before.
Greek Myth characters Sisyphus, Medusa, Atlas and centaur answer what they are listening to on MP3 player headphones.
Man in toga has ear bud problems.
Man in toga has ear bud problems.
Dr Seuss characters listen to songs that represent their personalities.